Wednesday, May 22, 2013


It's been such a wet spring that I'm way behind in spring chores compared to what is usually done this time of year. Oh well, I just keep plugging away at it!
 This landscaping around the side and front of the house is nice! I'm sure the section to the left of the door used to have a few bushes, but the one that is left is half dead.
  I need to replace it, but haven't decided what kind of shrub to use yet. It's the south side of the house, but always pretty shady due to the trees.
 I put the birdbath there, and planted the hostas around it.
 This is right outside my art room window, and I haven't checked yet, but I'm hoping I can see it from the window.

It's a start!

A twisty kind of grass, a trailing coleus and an upright coleus, impatiens, and vinca vine.

The bushes at the end of the porch are dwarf lilacs, and boy do they smell great!